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Language & Linguistics- Basic Grammar | Part 02

Language & Linguistics- Basic Grammar | Part 02

Basic Grammar Disccusion Part 02
Subject: Language & Linguistics

Language & Linguistics (ভাষা ও ভাষাতত্ত্ব)
1. The first language means – the natural language
Note: Natural না থাকলে main দিতে হবে।
2. Bangla is our first language. But English is our second language.
Note: মাতৃভাষার পরে যে ভাষার বলার বা শেখার জন্য বেশি চেষ্টা করে তাকে Second Language বলে। মনে রাখতে হবে যে, সকল Second Language-ই Foreign Language কিন্তু সকল Foreign Language-ই Second Language নয়।
3. Lingua Franca means – the common language or mixed language/shared language
4. The term ‘Lingua Franca’ is related to – language
5. Lingua Franca means – language of communication
6. Lingua Franca means – a common language spoken by different people
7. There are two ways of developing communicative competence in a language.
a. Acquisition
b. Learning
8. First language, also known as mother tongue, is generally the language a person learns first.
9. There are four skills in a language.
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Reading
d. Writing
10. The ability to read and write is – literacy
11. Linguistics means – the scientific study of languages/particular languages.
12. Linguist means – a person who knows many foreign languages.
13. Polyglot means – a person who knows many languages.
Note: Linguist and Polyglot দুটিই সমজাতীয় শব্দ। তবে দুটিই অপশনে থাকেলে Linguist হবে।
14. Philology means – the study of language.
15. Dialect/Vernacular (উপভাষা) means – the language spoken by a particular group or in a particular area.
16. Phonetics means – the study and classification of speech sounds.
17. Phonology means – the study of the sounds of a particular language.
18. Phonetics is concerned with – pronunciation.
19. Morphology means – the study of the forms of things.
20. Etymology means – the study of the origin and history of words.
21. Syntax means/denotes – sentence building/rules of building sentence/ sentence construction
22. Syntax is concerned with – sentence
23. Grammar means – the rules in a language/ a set of rules that are needed for the accuracy of a language
24. Solecism (ভাষার অপব্যবহার) means – the violation of correct grammatical structure/a mistake in the use of language.
25. The first dictionary was compiled by – Samuel Johnson
26. Lexicographer means – a person who writes/complies dictionaries
27. The synonym of the dictionary is – lexicon
28. The word ‘Lexicography’ relates – dictionary
29. Grammar is needed to – correct the language
30. Homonym means – a word with same pronunciation as another but with a different meaning.

Written by:
Tohiduzzaman Shohel
Head Teacher (36th BCS Non Cadre)
Jhenaidah Sadar, Jhenaidah

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