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Basic Grammar Disccusion | Collocation

Basic Grammar Disccusion | Collocation

Collocation (শব্দ বিন্যাস)

Words that go together/ বিশেষ বিশেষ শব্দ পাশাপাশি বসে। ইচ্ছা করলেই সব শব্দের আগে সব শব্দ বসতে পারে না। যেমন – girl এর আগে handsome দেওয়া যায় না। তেমনি boy এর পূর্বে beautiful দেওয়া যায় না।
Incorrect: Beautiful boy
Correct: Handsome boy
Incorrect: Handsome girl
Correct: Beautiful girl
Collocation means the action of placing things side by side or in position. (শব্দের পাশাপাশি অবস্থান বা সঠিক অবস্থানকে Collocation (শব্দ বিন্যাস) বলে।

Important Collocation list
1. Extensive research (Extreme or huge research নয়)
2. Lodge a complaint (give a complaint নয়)
3. Bad headache (Strong headache নয়)
4. Deliver a speech/make a speech (give a speech নয়)
5. Choose a profession (select a profession নয়)
6. Balanced diet (balanced food নয়)
7. Say prayers (read prayers নয়)
8. Error of judgment (Mistake/wrong of judgment নয়)
9. Do wrong (Make wrong নয়)
10. Make decision (Take decision নয়)
11. Make mistake (Do mistake নয়)
12. Find work/job (search work/job (নয়)
13. Live a life/lead a life (spend a life নয়)
14. Speak of others (Tell of others নয়)
15. Have fun (Do fun নয়)
16. Lightning strike (Lightning hit/ attack নয়)
17. Feel pulse (See pulse নয়)
18. Speak the truth (Tell the truth নয়)
19. Make mistake (Do mistake নয়)
20. Teach a lesson (Give a lesson নয়)
21. Learn a lesson (take a lesson নয়)
22. Take an exam (Give an exam নয়)
23. Give a test (Take a test নয়)
24. Tell a lie (Tsay a lie নয়)
25. Take/have/drink tea or coffee (eat tea or coffee নয়)
26. Take/have breakfast, lunch or dinner (eat breakfast, lunch or dinner নয়)
27. Cast votes (give vote নয়)
28. Football/cricketer spectators (Football/cricketer viewers নয়)
29. Pair of spectacles (Couple of spectacles নয়)
30. Look up word (search/look word নয়)

Written by:
Tohiduzzaman Shohel
Head Teacher (36th BCS Non Cadre)
Jhenaidah Sadar, Jhenaidah

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